April 6, 2023

CEC was recently selected to support CONSOL Energy Inc.’s project designing an advanced, ~400 MW power plant of the future. The waste coal and biomass fueled plant would achieve net negative CO2 emissions via BECCS (Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage) and could achieve market penetration by 2030. CEC is providing professional environmental services for the project, by preparing the Environmental Information Volume (EIV) to provide a roadmap for the environmental, regulatory, and socioeconomic components of the project that will be used to inform future stages of design, permitting, and construction. CONSOL’s project was one of four selected through the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) 21st Century Power Plants Initiative (formerly “Coal FIRST”). Learn more about the project here: Project Descriptions: Coal FIRST Initiative Invests $80 Million in Net-Zero Carbon Electricity and Hydrogen Plants | Department of Energy.

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