GIS-Based Mitigation Banking Site Selection Tool




Belmont an Monroe Counties, Ohio

CEC Services

  • GIS Data Management
  • Geodatabase Design
  • Geoprocessing in ArcGIS
  • Web and Mobile Application Development
  • Site Selection
  • Wetland & Stream Impact Mitigation Design
  • Ecosystem Restoration

Owner Objective

The confidential client was seeking assistance in locating potential wetland mitigation banking sites in Belmont and Monroe counties, Ohio with the best potential for wetland restoration, enhancement, or preservation opportunities in order to maximize compensatory credit generation. Ideally, the client was hoping to utilize an interactive mapping tool where they could visualize the entire study area, examine property ownership, and query site selection criteria through a user interface.

CEC Approach

To achieve this objective, CEC proposed a Geographic Information Systems (GIS)-based approach to assemble spatial data related to site selection criteria, and create a tool for data visualization and analysis. CEC first procured cadastral, ecological, mining, and topographic data for the area of interest and utilized GIS spatial analysis tools to join and intersect the data to create two primary feature classes for streams and parcels. These feature classes were exported to web mapping services and then pulled into ESRI’s Portal for ArcGIS for application development.

Using Portal’s WebApp Builder, a map viewer displaying project data was created and advanced queries were set-up for both stream and parcel layers which allowed users to search for potential sites using multiple expressions. Query results were able to be displayed as a layer within the application and exported to spreadsheets. A total of 49 potential mitigation banking parcels, within the two county study area, were identified using the application.